CCD scanner reads barcodes and registration marks for automatic job changeover and image shift compensation.Up to 80 of the most commonly processed jobs can be stored for quick and easy recall.Fully automated set up via the control panel or Job Creator software reduces downtime.This means Xerox press users can finish applications such as business cards, postcards, greeting cards, invitations, brochures and much more quickly and efficiently, all with a single system. The Duplo DC-645 with IFS can slit, cut, crease, and fold printed documents as well as score and perforate using the optional scoring and perforating modules. Demonstrating Duplo’s popular all-in-one finishing line will be the DC-645 and DC-615 Pro Slitter/Cutter/Creasers, and the. Providing a full-bleed finish on digitally printed output can be complex and requires an experienced operator to run multiple finishing machines.ĭC-645 JOB Creator 2.0 Description. Optional business card, scoring, perforating, and trade card modules are available for increased versatility.CCD scanner reads barcodes and registration marks.Fully automated setup via the control panel or Job Creator software.Up to 6 slits, 15 cuts and 10 creases in a single pass.Achieving the next level in automation, the Integrated Folding System incorporates an in-line knife folder with the Duplo DC-645, enabling users to finish and fold applications in a single pass. Ideal for short- to mid-volume runs, the Duplo DC-645 eliminates white borders and prevents toner cracking on fold lines on a wide range of full-bleed applications. If you are using it for processing only a portion of that work you may find the speed adequate.The Duplo DC-645 Slitter/Cutter/Creaser provides an all-in-one finishing solution for the digital print market. If you are looking to pair this up with a print device that will produce product all day to be finished on the DC 615 then you will find the 615 to be too slow. This said, as a passive operating machine that can run all day it is able to process a fair amount of product.

Speed - Operating at 11 sheets per minute the Duplo DC 615 does not match the production speed of most print devices.

Reduced chance of error - Having the cutting and creasing all occur in one process with the automation to recall previously stored tasks reduces the chance of handling errors and processing errors. The PRO model with barcode reader will automatically recall pre-programmed jobs for fast and easy operation. Change over - changing over from job to job takes seconds on the Duplo DC 615 slitter / cutter /creaser, with the simple push of a button you can scan through the various saved jobs to select the one you would like to use.